When it comes to writing a piece or researching a podcast episode I’ll source information from various places. Here are some which I’ll usually sift through as well as some blogs. I’ll be continually updating this by the way – if you have any suggestions let me know.
Ancient History Resources.
This is an amazing site with lots of information about Greek mythology.
A peer reviewed journal of archaeology, it’s free and there’s a range of articles.
Good for creative commons images and also getting some initial sources on a topic.
You’ll need to sign up but the free version still gives you access to lots of articles across a range of subject which includes ancient history.
Another site full of articles, the free sign up allows you to read 100 articles a month. You can also access this if you are studying.
Lots of ancient sources and various translations.
Ancient History and History Blogs.
There are a lot of people who find ancient history and culture as fascinating as I do. Here are some other blogs you might find interesting.
If you want yours added to the list below just contact me.
Lots of articles, interviews and links by a life long fan of ancient civilisations. Tyrone writes across various cultures and periods looking into mysteries and such.
Carole has travelled across Europe and takes some amazing photos, she also writes very interesting pieces on Hadrian and other characters.
Insights into the ancient world and quotations. Lots of source material here which you may not normally come across.
Rich is a huge fan of ancient history and his blog offers pics, musings and a variety of articles. Well worth a visit!
This is a really lovely blog on ancient Greek and Roman theatre.