ancient greece

Fantasy Dinner Guests with Helen McVeigh – episode notes.

My guest – Helen McVeigh. You can find Helen on her website H.M. Classics Academy or on twitter (@ClassicsAcademy). If you fancy giving this a go then feel free to contact me (email on this site or via my twitter). Book recommendations (possible spoilers). Country by Michael Hughes   Here, The World Entire by Anwen […]

Fantasy Dinner Guests with Helen McVeigh – episode notes. Read More »

Thebes: Revenge and Rivalry. Podcast episode notes.

Hellenic History. Thanks to Elke whose advert you heard. If you want to know more here are some links. Hellenic History website. Instagram / Facebook / Redbubble site / Twitter. Map of Boeotia and Thebes. Appreciate this is in French but hopefully you can work out the relevant locations I mention including the regions (Beotie/Boeotia

Thebes: Revenge and Rivalry. Podcast episode notes. Read More »

Epic Gamers.

In my recent Olympics in Ancient Greece podcast I included a few choice, albeit bizarre, sporting moments. These weren’t the only ones I came across whilst researching the topic. Here then are some reports of athletes at the Olympics (and other games) which Pausanias described in Book 6 of his Guide to Greece (Elis). Taking

Epic Gamers. Read More »