Romans in Brighton, back to school.
For the last 9 years (with one exception due to Covid) I have visited a school in Brighton to help with their topic on the Romans. The Year 3s (8 year olds) are the group I work with and initially it’s an overview of what a Roman soldier would wear and hold with an hour spent with two classes after.

The session with each class gives the chance for the kids to try on some kit and hold a weapon or two. It can be tricky navigating the nasty business of soldiery. Roman soldiers weren’t a pleasant bunch, so I try to talk more about the building they did and the toilets. Toilets are a winning subject with 8 year olds.
As many of the older kids at the school have had their turn it’s quite touching when a few of them come up and say hi. I got one wonderful piece of feedback, that when the kids do their review in year 6 they often cite the Roman soldier who who visited as a highlight. What makes the trip even better is the teachers who get some support. I’m told that the trip often gives the kids a taste for the subject and this is used to support Roman themed maths and English exercises. Clever bunch those teachers.
(photos cleared for use by the school)
For my recent visit to a school in Steyning read here.