
Fantasy Dinner Guests with Helen McVeigh – episode notes.

My guest – Helen McVeigh. You can find Helen on her website H.M. Classics Academy or on twitter (@ClassicsAcademy). If you fancy giving this a go then feel free to contact me (email on this site or via my twitter). Book recommendations (possible spoilers). Country by Michael Hughes   Here, The World Entire by Anwen

Fantasy Dinner Guests with Helen McVeigh – episode notes. Read More »

Thebes: Revenge and Rivalry. Podcast episode notes.

Hellenic History. Thanks to Elke whose advert you heard. If you want to know more here are some links. Hellenic History website. Instagram / Facebook / Redbubble site / Twitter. Map of Boeotia and Thebes. Appreciate this is in French but hopefully you can work out the relevant locations I mention including the regions (Beotie/Boeotia

Thebes: Revenge and Rivalry. Podcast episode notes. Read More »